11 May 2011


Student: "I love butterflies so much."

Me: "So do I! Butterflies are one of my favorites."

Student: "And I love bumblebees, the big fat ones that don't sting me."

Me: "Same here! Bumblebees are so cute."

Student: "And ladybugs!"

Me: "Oh ladybugs! Yes, yes, yes, ladybugs."

Student: "And flowers! Lots and lots of flowers."

Me: "This is amazing! I love flowers, too."

Student: "And pickles for eating. Yum!"

Me: (gaping mouth). "How did I not know that you love all of the very same things I do?!"

Student: (giggling). "You're a teacher! It's your job to keep learning about me."

By the way, she's three.

(Photo by Holli Horton)


mom said...


Maggy said...

that is toooooo cute!

Colleen / Inspired to Share said...

Heart melting.

Eva @ Four Leaf Clover said...

This is too adorable! Thank you for sharing and the smile, Kayla!

marjorie rose said...

Goodness..my heart..

From now on, just know that I will love everything you post here. No exception.