30 August 2011

My Secret Habit

Can we talk babies for a minute? Does anyone else feel sorely tempted to buy pint-sized presents for their not-yet-conceived offspring? We're not planning on having a baby for at least a couple of years but that doesn't stop me from doing some serious window shopping. I already have a huge storage closet full of kid stuff (hello, I teach nursery school!), yet something tells me I couldn't explain a newborn romper in quite the same way...

24 August 2011

Keep This In Mind

Back to school next week. I'll keep the above words in mind as the year kicks off. Poster available here for $17. There are several others in the collection, too: Wouldn't they serve as nice "life" reminders framed in the family foyer or a classroom?

15 August 2011

Chalk It Up to Experience

One of the many, many things I've learned in my tenure as an early childhood educator is that almost all young children love to draw on unconventional canvases. In need of a change of scenery? Take your kids outdoors and let them go crazy on the sidewalk or the wall. Traditional sidewalk chalk will certainly do the trick but why not jazz things up with these adorable dinosaur, floral and heart-shaped chalks in a variety of fun colors? $5 packs available to order at Red Maple Grove Crafts.

02 August 2011

Rocking Horse

Clean, classic, truly beautiful design. Oh what I would give to store one away for my future children...

(Calidu Rocking Horse by Gunther Schunn, discovered via Seesaw).